Programmable, 3-Channel LED Current Source Driver with isoSPI Repeater

Reference Design using part AD5686A by Analog Devices


Analog Devices
  • Application Category
    Data Conversion
  • Product Type
    Digital to Analog Conversion

For End Products

  • Lighting Control


  • Application circuit is a 3-channel, programmable, LED current driver with digital communications repeater capabilities. Each of the three output channels is controlled by a single digital-to-analog converter (DAC), which simplifies the digital communications and reduces cost. Each channel can be individually programmed and is capable of sourcing 1A of current through its load. The circuit also has an isoSPI repeater that allows multiple boards to be controlled with a single master. The repeater translates the serial port interface (SPI) signals into pulses that are transmitted through a twisted pair of wire and converted back to an SPI signal at the other end. This solution is ideal for precision lighting control applications where a compact, scalable, single-supply, and highly linear, 3-channel, 16-bit buffered current source is required

Key Features

  • DAC Resolution
    16 Bit
  • Number of Channels

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