Protecting Legerity Subscriber Line Interface Circuits for Telcordia GR-1089-CORE intra-building

Reference Design using part MF-RX018/250 by Bourns


  • Application Category
    Circuit Protection
  • Product Type
    Overvoltage Protection

For End Products

  • Communications and Telecom


  • GR-1089-CORE intra-building has a 100A 2/10 us test where the equipment must work after the test. The TISP61089BD has a 120A, 2/10 us capability that ensures intra-building impulse requirements are achieved without the need of additional series resistance. Intra-building also has a 120V rms, 25A test where the equipment can fail safely. The TISP61089BD will need to be protected against the AC power line contact test since it can support 0.93A for 900 seconds. The B0500T current versus time characteristic shows that it will operate before the maximum with stand of the TISP61089BD is exceeded. for applications that require the overcurrent protector to reset, the Bourns MF-RX018/250 or MF-SM013/250 Polymer PTC thermistor can also be considered in the design that can withstand the impulse and AC tests

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