SI5315-EVB, Evaluation Board Using Si5315 8-kHz to 644.53-MHz Clock Multiplier

Reference Design using part Si5315A-C-GM by Silicon Labs


Silicon Labs
  • Application Category
    Clock and Timing
  • Product Type
    Clock Multiplexer

For End Products

  • Networking


  • SI5315-EVB, Evaluation Board for the Si5315 is a jitter-attenuating clock multiplier for Gb and 10G Synchronous Ethernet, SONET/SDH and PDH (T1/E1) applications. The Si5315 accepts dual clock inputs ranging from 8 kHz to 644.53 MHz and generates two equal frequency-multiplied clock outputs ranging from 8 kHz to 644.53 MHz. The input clock frequency and clock multiplication ratio are selectable from a table of popular SyncE and T1/E1 rates. The Si5315 is based on 3rd-generation DSPLL technology, which provides any-rate frequency synthesis and jitter attenuation in a highly integrated PLL solution that eliminates the need for external VCXO and loop filter components

Key Features

  • Operating Frequency
    0.008 to 644.53 MHz

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