STEVAL-ILL048V1, Demonstration Board based on the ALED6001 and STM32F103C6T6 Single-channel LED driver for automotive day-time running lights (DTRL) and front lights

Reference Design using part ALED6001 by STMicroelectronics


  • Application Category
  • Product Type
    White LED Driver

For End Products

  • Automotive Lighting
  • Front Lighting


  • STEVAL-ILL048V1, Demonstration Board based on the ALED6001 LED driver chip. The demonstration also includes an on-board microcontroller that permits full control of the device through a USB connection and dedicated PC GUI. The ALED6001 has been specifically designed to supply a string of medium/high current (50 -1000 mA) LEDs starting from a single low-voltage rail or a car battery. It integrates a boost controller, high-side current sensing feedback circuitry and an external dimming MOSFET controller for superior dimming performance. The boost controller regulates the output voltage adaptively, based on the requirements of the LEDs, resulting in improved overall efficiency. The maximum output voltage of the boost converter is 60V, allowing the device to drive up to 16 white LEDs in series

Key Features

  • Input Voltage
    6 to 24 V
  • Output Voltage
    60 V
  • Output Current
    0.35 A
  • Number of Derived Elements

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