TWR-WIFI-AR4100, Wi-Fi Tower System Module based on the AR4100 802.11n Wi-Fi Module

Reference Design using part S25FL016K0XMFI010 by NXP Semiconductors


NXP Semiconductors
  • Application Category
    Wireless Communication
  • Product Type
    Wireless Systems

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For End Products

  • Wireless Appliances


  • TWR-WIFI-AR4100, Wi-Fi Tower System Module features the AR4100 Solution. This fully FCC/CE-certified Atheros "System-in-Package" module comes with MQX software and enables you to quickly go from the lab to production with the same Wi-Fi hardware module. The on-board Atheros silicon features easy-to-use wireless for the whole home and pre-certification that will save you time and money getting your product to market. This peripheral module is designed to be combined and used with other MCU and peripheral modules in the Tower System

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