TWR-WIFI-GS1500M, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi Tower System Module (GainSpan)

Reference Design using part GS1500M by NXP Semiconductors


NXP Semiconductors
  • Application Category
    Wireless Communication
  • Product Type
    Wireless Systems

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For End Products

  • Wireless Appliances


  • TWR-WIFI-GS1500M 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi module enables leading edge Wi-Fi connectivity for the development of connected devices. This peripheral module for the Tower System features a fully certified Wi-Fi module from GainSpan (GS1500M) on-board and provides several modes of connectivity: Client to connect the device to the internet, limited access point to connect the device to SmartPhone or Wi-Fi direct for peer-to-peer networking without an access point, enabling easy transfer of content anytime, anywhere. The solution offers web and SmartPhone based module provisioning and reliable over the air firmware for the Wi-Fi module to enable upgrade to the latest features and solution improvements

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