The A to Z of A2B® Applications

Throughout its history, there are many examples of the automotive industry leveraging technology transfers from adjacent and complementary markets. Now, the automotive industry is returning the favor by sharing a technology that promises to simplify audio distribution challenges in a diverse array of applications.

The A2B® bus is a high-bandwidth, bidirectional, digital bus originally conceived to solve audio distribution challenges in automotive applications. Existing automotive audio networks typically involved multiple point-to-point analog connections. A2B technology addresses many of the challenges that characterized point-to-point analog connections – cable weight, cable cost, routing difficulties, and the reliability of multiple connections.

A2B technology facilitates the transport of fully synchronized audio data (I2S/TDM/PDM) and control data (I2C) throughout a distributed multinode audio system over an unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable and connector infrastructure. Up to 32 channels of audio are supported on the bus in both upstream and downstream directions, giving a total bandwidth of 50 Mbps. A2B technology can support point-to-point, daisy-chain, and branch network topologies.

Originally a limited release product line offered for automotive applications only, A2B technology was fully released to the broad market in 2019, which opened it up to an abundance of applications.

Read this paper from Analog Devices to learn more about A2B technology and its diverse applications.


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