A Game Changing Technology in Asset Maintenance
Whenever a motor or one of its key support systems breaks down, the result can be catastrophic, resulting in downtime and lost revenue. While diligent organizations always have suitable replacement components on hand, a substitute device can't anticipate a failure or eliminate the time needed to restore operation.
Fortunately, businesses spanning a wide range of industries now have access to condition-based monitoring (CBM). This important new technology offers multiple benefits, providing continuous monitoring of motors, pumps, gearboxes, and many other types of key industrial assets which result in reduced downtime, increased productivity, and preservation of capital.
Read this article to learn how Analog Devices' CBM can forecast the future evolution of an asset – what failures may occur and what maintenance needs to be performed in order to prevent them from occurring. Learn why a rapidly growing number of enterprises are beginning to view condition-based monitoring and predictive maintenance as nothing less than essential technologies.
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iCOMOX - Smart Maintenance Made Easy