Durable and Space-Saving Design Solutions with Molex’s FFC/FPC Connectors and Cables

Molex’s Flexible Flat Cable (FFC) / Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) connectors and cables offer the best combination of signal reliability, compactness, wide circuit size range and cable style choices of any similar version in the market.

In a world where you interact daily with your tablet, your car display, your printer, or even your robot, it is likely that your every-day device employs some kind of FFC connection. As devices continue to demand flexibility for constrained spaces, reliable human machine interface (HMI) connections, and the ruggedness in harsh environments, FFCs are becoming an integral component in innovative device design.

Product Spotlight - Premo Flex Cable Jumpers

Delivering durable and extra flexible PCB-connection solutions, standard and custom Premo-Flex Cable Jumpers are available in a variety of pitches, cable lengths, thicknesses, and formats for use in virtually any industry. Additional benefits include:

• Wide range of options enable designers to maximize PCB space in their designs
• Reduced component costs, for example, by eliminating connectors with direct-to-board versions)
• Durable and reliable board-to-board and board-to-display connections

To provide a complete interconnect solution, Premo-Flex Cable Jumpers can mate with a broad range of Molex Easy-On FFC and FPC Connectors. These cables provide flexible interconnectivity in board-to-board and board-to-display unit applications for zero and low insertion force connectors.

With all the different cable designs and connector combinations, there are thousands of part numbers to choose from on Arrow.com. The breadth and depth of this product line serves designers in almost every market – including medical, automotive, consumer, military, and datacom.

Download the Premo-Flex Product Reference Guide here for more information on the range.

View the Premo-Flex Cable Jumper Range

View the Easy-On FFC/FPC Connector Range


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