Jumpstarting IEEE 802.3bt’s PoE++

The newly enacted Power over Ethernet (PoE) standard from IEEE, 802.3bt PoE++, presents challenges and opportunities for developers of power sourcing equipment (PSE) and powered devices (PD). In this article, find out about solutions from Analog Devices that are compliant with this standard, helping you to develop the next generation of products.

PoE++ delivers up to 71.3 W to the PD, nearly tripling the previous standard’s 25.5 W. PoE++ allows 1.7 A at 52 V to be sent over the same cabling as Gigabit Ethernet, laying the groundwork for a new generation of power-hungry applications. Analog Devices has been involved with the IEEE 802.3bt Task Force since its inception, allowing for an in-depth understanding of the requirements and possibilities. The industry-first LTC4291-1/LTC4292 PoE++ PSE controllers enable developers to offer a complete PoE++ system that been tested and proven in the field, leading to high reliability and increased power capacity. 


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Analog Devices Power Over Ethernet - PoE Controllers View

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Analog Devices Power Over Ethernet - PoE Controllers View

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Analog Devices Power Over Ethernet - PoE Controllers View

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