LTC2971: 2-Channel ±60V Power System Manager

The LTC2971, LTC2971-1, LTC2971-2, and LTC2971-3 are 2-channel high voltage Power System Managers used to sequence, trim (servo), margin, supervise, manage faults, provide telemetry and log faults.

Key Features and Benefits

Natively sense and monitor negative voltage supplies, eliminating external level shift circuitry which saves cost, simplifies design, and improves accuracy.
Internal EEPROM with ECC provides essential black box fault logging, allowing for faster failure analysis and system debug.
±0.25% TUE Differential ADC (sets trim, margin, and monitoring accuracy) improves the accuracy of 2 supplies, minimizing overdesign and cost, optimizing performance, and saving power. 


Communications/5G: -48V/+24V telecom power distribution 
High Reliability Systems
Building and Infrastructure

Evaluation Board

The LTC2971 can be evaluated with the DC2875A.

Block Diagrams and Tables




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