Accelerating Your Electronics Development with Analog Devices Reference Designs

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Join Analog Devices, Arrow Electronics, and Indiegogo for a free webinar June 29, 2021.

This webinar will cover how to accelerate your electronics design featuring Analog Devices’ Circuits From the Lab reference designs. We will review design journeys, timetables, and common pitfalls to avoid as well as highlight some strengths of companies who have made the same journey.

Attendees will Learn:

- What goes into a typical development cycle for new products and what platforms currently exist in the market.
- Why Analog Devices provides everything you need to shorten design cycles and get to market quickly.
- What some of the common pitfalls in designing new products are and how you can quickly move to the next stage.
- How the Arrow Certification Program can help you at every stage of your product design and development. 

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Related Content: and Analog Devices Design Tools
Analog Devices’ Circuits from the Lab

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