WEBINAR: Improve Lifetime of your small battery driven IoT system


OnDemand Webinar  |  (Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2022)

Duration: 1 hour

Improve Lifetime of your small battery driven IoT system and at the same breath use smaller batteries to minimize size and cost further… Is that possible?…  And how ADI can support you on this.

What will I learn:
1. Market trends
2. Design Challenges and Design approaches
    • Batteries – How to choose the right one / possible trapdoors
    • Ohms Law – a powerful key component for longer battery life
    • Other approaches to achieve our goal
3. Solutions
    • How some of the challenges can be approached with ADI solutions



ADI-christian_gruber_newChristian Gruber
Senior Principal Member of Technical Staff EMEA | Analog Devices
Christian is a senior principal field application engineer for EMEA at Analog Devices, having worked at Maxim Integrated for 6 years prior within this role. Christian has design-in and revenue responsibility for the broad market in North and West Germany/Austria and South Africa.



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