Silicon Carbide MOSFETs Enable Innovations and Advanced Design of EV Fast Chargers

Sales of electric vehicles (EV) are set to accelerate rapidly over the coming decade. With continuously improving batteries and consumers demanding quicker turnaround on charging EV's, fast charging systems are seeing rapid growth. The emergence of Wide Bandgap (WBG) semiconductors like Silicon Carbide (SiC) allows better pairing of power devices for the fast charging application. This presentation will analyze practical design considerations when selecting the topologies and power device for high power applications like EV fast charger.

Attendees of this training module will learn:

  • Design Challenges of EV fast charger
  • Practical design considerations including Topology, Power Components Selection, Magnetics Design and PCB Layout Considerations
  • Test results of Wolfspeed 30kW reference design


Chen Wei
Power Applications Manager | Wolfspeed

Chen Wei received his M.S. degree in Power Electronic from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2007. He also received his bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2004. He has many years’ experience in power supply design engineering at Emerson Network Power and Flex Power. Currently Chen is the manager of power applications, Asia at Wolfspeed. He is generally interested in power electronics, power system, and power semiconductor, together with the applications in various sectors.

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