30 Live 1080p Simultaneous Video Streams with Intelligent Video Analytics

With NVIDIA’s Jetson AGX Xavier you can now deploy server class inference and AI at the edge, in a small form factor, power efficient and cost effective platform.

The video analytics market has seen the emergence of new sensors, higher resolutions, and longer retention times—generating massive streams of data that need analysis. Approximately 94% of video goes unreviewed, and companies struggle to support and scale their present infrastructure to maintain basic levels of service. Intelligent Video Analytics is key to turning this data into insights. Video analytics solutions are a combination of processing hardware and video analytics applications from Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). These analytics solutions need to be designed, sized, integrated, and configured. This is often a complex challenge resulting in increased capital and operating expenses.

The NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ sets a new bar for compute density, energy efficiency, and AI inferencing capabilities on edge devices. It’s capable of running thirty 1080p H.264 parallel live streams at 30FPS, and offers Intelligent Video Analytics on each frame, in only 30W. Providing a small form factor edge application with high-performance for the most demanding throughput, the NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Xavier™ leverages NVIDIA’s AI software leadership and tools like CUDA-X, DeepStream and JetPack SDKs. 

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