ADAQ23875 μModule® Data Acquisition System

Designing a transient data recording system, medical imaging system, or power analyzer? In this video, find out how the powerful Analog Devices ADAQ23875 μModule(R) Data Acquisition System has the features and benefits you need to move forward.

The Analog Devices ADAQ23875 is a precision, high-speed μModule® data acquisition system. It helps transfer the design burden, component selection, optimization, and layout of an electronic system from the designer to the device. 

A 9mm x 9mm package size gives a 4x reduction in footprint, allowing for the smaller finished product sizes that are in demand today. Lower power consumption prevents thermal density issues. Included in the chip are an ADC driver, reference buffer, signal scaling capability, anti-alias filter, and supply-bypass capacitors.    

Reduce time to market and board space requirements in your next data acquisition design. For more information, watch the video.

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