Innovative building automation solutions from Analog Devices

In this video, learn about two new products from Analog Devices that help with building automation tasks - the ADM3055E and the LTC 4331.

The ADM3055E is a 5kV rms isolated CAN transceiver for CAN FD usage. It combines isolated power, isolated signal, ESD protection, and a transceiver into one integrated unit. Useful in many industrial and building automation tasks, it’s functional in a temperature range of −40°C to +105°C.    

The LTC4331 is an I2C slave device extender that utilizes a rugged differential link. With a range capability of up to 1200 meters over a single twisted-pair link, it’s designed for operation in high-noise industrial environments. 

For more information about these two products, plus an example of a sample application, watch the video.

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