AI on STM32: Computer Vision made simple with FP-AI-VISION1 and STM32Cube.AI

In this video, learn how the development of cutting-edge machine-vision systems becomes easier through the use of the STM32 system from ST Micro.

Using 3 advanced technologies from ST Micro -- STM32Cube.AI, FP-AI-Vision1, and STM32H747I-Disco -- build a powerful machine vision demo.

STM32Cube.AI is an extension pack of the widely-used STM32CubeMX configuration and code generation tool. STM32Cube.AI is:
Interoperable with popular deep learning training tools
Compatible with many IDEs and compilers
Sensor and RTOS agnostic
Supportive of multiple Artificial Neural Networks being run on a single STM32 MCU
Supportive of ultra-low-power STM32 MCUs
FP-AI-VISION1 is an STM32Cube function pack featuring examples of computer vision applications based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). It provides complete firmware to develop a computer vision application.  

STM32H747I-DISCO discovery kit is a complete demonstration and development platform for STMicroelectronics STM32H747XIH6 microcontroller, designed to simplify user application development.

Watch the video to learn how to integrate these tools into a fully functional, high-performance computer vision system.  


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