An Overview of AVX Supercapacitors

Supercapacitors are an asset for any application with a primary or secondary battery. Discover AVX’s comprehensive portfolio of supercapacitors, including the SCC, SCM and SCP series, and learn about how AVX is your strategic partner for supercapacitor technology.

Appropriate for any application with a primary or secondary battery, supercapacitors offer low equivalent series resistance (ESR) and low voltage limits. Supercapacitors have grown recognition as an excellent option between electronic and dielectric capacitors. They also provide increased power handling capabilities for energy harvesting, pulse power handling, peak power assist, and backup applications. Other target applications for supercapacitors include smart metering, memory backup, battery supplement, wireless alarm systems, scanners, wearables, and solid-state drives (SSD).

In this video, you can learn more about the supercapacitors that are available from AVX. These include:

- The SCC Series: Providing low ESR and a wide range of standard offerings
- The SCM Series: Offering excellent pulse power handling, high capacitance, low ESR, and high reliability in humid environments
- The SCP Series: Providing the lowest profile and widest operating temperature



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