An Overview of Bourns® TBU® High Speed Protectors

Watch this video and see how Bourns delivers the most comprehensive line of circuit protection technology and solutions in the industry.

The Bourns transient blocking unit, or TBU, provides the smallest resettable overcurrent solution on the market. It can handle lightning, electrostatic discharge (ESD), electrical fast transient (EFT), and lightning current surge. This level of circuit protection is important to keep costs down in comparison to adding protection components during the design phase. The Bourns TBU provides the smallest footprint on the market for the designer who needs to protect semiconductor and sensor circuitry. This device features a sub-microsecond response, resettability, a small footprint, power cross capability to 425 Vrms, 3 GHz bandwidth, lightning surge handling capability when combined with a primary protector. Watch this video and take a closer look at how Bourns delivers the most comprehensive line of circuit protection technology and solutions in the industry.



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