Analog Devices’ RadioVerse ADRV9026 Quad-Channel Wideband RF Transceiver Platform and Evaluation System

With 200 MHz bandwidths and 650 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range, Analog Devices’ RadioVerse ADRV9026 delivers the lowest power, smallest size common platform solution available for 3G/4G/5G base station applications – helping you get from concept to creation at light speed.

Watch this video to get inside Analog Devices' highly integrated, radio frequency (RF) agile transceiver that offers four independently controlled transmitters, dedicated observation receiver inputs for monitoring each transmitter channel, four independently controlled receivers, integrated synthesizers, and digital signal processing functions to provide a complete transceiver solution.

See how the innovative device provides the performance demanded by cellular infrastructure applications, such as small cell base station radios, macro 3G/4G/5G systems, and massive multiple in/multiple out (MIMO) base stations.

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