Features for today. Flexibility for tomorrow. SenseAbility 2.0

Today's demand for intelligent sensing is greater than ever before...and growing. That's why Arrow, Cypress and Honeywell have partnered to simplify IoT for designers through the SenseAbility 2.0.

Edge-to-enterprise solution — Highlights the building blocks of winning IoT applications.

High performance, low power — Honeywell’s Nanopower magnetoresistive sensors, Humidicon™ humidity/temperature sensors, Zephyr™ airflow sensors and TruStability™ silicon pressure sensors offer reliability, accuracy and efficiency.

Versatile configuration — Features Cypress PSoC® 4 BLE Pioneer Kit, a highly configurable SoC architecture equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol.

Simplified connectivity — Supports a variety of add-ons, including LoRa, 802.11 and cellular.

Flexible design — Accommodates a vast portfolio of sensor nodes and expansion peripherals.


For this Arrow Product Insights we will introduce you to the SenseAbility 2.o Demo Board, a universal wireless sensor solution from Arrow, Cypress, and Honeywell that serves as a roadmap for creating sensor solutions for current and future IOT applications.  The SenseAbility 2.0 demo board is positioned to demonstrate best in class connectivity and sensing technology.  The board showcases Honeywell high performance low power sensors, including magneto resistive pressure combination temperature, humidity, and airflow sensors.  These sensors are interfaces to the Cypress BLE pioneer kit with both PSoC and PRoc BLE modules included, providing a great deal of flexibility and performance for evaluating the Cypress BLE solutions and Honeywell sensors. 

The SenseAbility 2.0 demo board also accommodates add on peripherals and additional connectivity options, making it a unique tool for evaluating and analyzing solutions for the next generation of IOT designs.

Honeywell’s latest high performance low power sensors provide greater sensing capabilities and design flexibility.  The SM351LT is part of Honeywell’s nanopower series of magneto resistive sensor ICs.  Current draw is only 360 nano amps and it features a typical operating point of 7G making perfect for designs requiring high sensitivity and energy efficiency. 

Honeywell’s HumidIcon humidity and temperature sensors provide a temperature provide a temperature compensated digital output  of humidity and temperature, with plus or minus 4% relative humidity and plus or minus .5 degrees Celsius temperature accuracy.  In sleep mode the device draws just one micro amp to extend battery life and the sensors offer industry leading total air band, stability, and reliability to ensure product life.

HSC Series TruStabilty silicon pressure sensors integrate to compensate for sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature effects and non-linearity, providing radiometric analog or digital output of absolute, air, or dry gasses.  

Honeywell’s Zephyr airflow sensors feature high accuracy monitoring of mass flow air or other non-corrosive gases from plus or minus 50 or plus or minus 750 SCCM with temp compensated measurements to 0 degrees Celsius to 50 degrees Celsius.  Zephyr airflow sensors use a precisely positioned MIM sensor to ensure repeatable airflow measurements.

The Cypress BLE Pioneer Kit allows developers to experience the performance, flexibility, and simplicity of Cypress’ PSoC 4 and PRoC BLE Modules.  Both modules utilize an AMR cortex M0 MCU with an integrated BLE Radio and a CapSense Controller and 36 GPIO’s .   In addition the PSoc 4 BLE module includes configurable, analog, and digital blocks for added flexibility and performance.  The baseboard features an Arduino shield header, proximity header, RGBLED, and coin cell battery holder.  The simplicity comes from Cypress’ PSoc creator which abstract the Bluetooth 4.1 specification and allows for easy drag and drop designs that frees developers to  work on their creation.

To request a personalized demo of the SenseAbilty 2.o email us at sensibility@arrow.com




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