Shop Top STEM and Engineering Gifts

This holiday season, Arrow is offering a wide range of gifts for engineers, tech aficionados and STEM enthusiasts in our Holiday Shop!

For the 2017 holiday season, Arrow has curated a set of holiday gifts for anyone in your family who enjoys tech and tinkering. Na'im McKee, Senior Marketing Manager for Arrow, is a maker, tech enthusiast and parent who has enjoyed completing the projects in the Arduino Starter Kit and other projects found in our Holiday Shop. is an incredible source for companies and engineers for electronic components. This year, we wanted to leverage that expertise and suggest a range of gifts that engineers, tech aficionados and STEM enthusiasts would enjoy and find educational. At Arrow, we’re proud to guide innovation forward not only for the biggest names in tech, but also for the next generation of makers and engineers.

Check out the educational gifts and fun activities that will help build a love of technology for you and your family in our Holiday Shop!   

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