Unboxing the Beginner Solder-Free Pack from Adafruit & Arrow

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Hi everybody, today we're going to un-box the Beginner Arduino Solder-Free Pack from Adafruit and in fact this one will allow us to make an MP3 player; so let's un-box and see what there is inside!

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So when you first un-box, the top product is the out speaker and we want to make an MP3 player so that's going to be useful to listen to music. It comes with the USB cord to power the out speaker and also comes with cord to connect to the featured board. It also comes with an SD card with adapter which, in fact, will allow us to put the music on it. Next is the Arduino board; as I said it was an Arduino Solder-Free kit so included is the standard Arduino Uno R3, pin out so we are going to be able to connect some boards on the top. This is the board that we need to plug into the Arduino board, the board that will actually be our MP3 player. So that's where you would connect the SD card and the output for the audio. Some boards have an amplifier at this level, but this board doesn’t have an amplifier and its fine without the speaker that’s in the kit. Just be aware that you have two options when you order the kit.

It is solder free so all you need to do is just clip the two boards together. Then the AC adapter just needs to be plugged in. Finally, a USB cable because, as an Arduino, you will be able to program your Arduino and you need the USB cable to connect to your computer. Then connect your speaker at this level. So here was the unboxing video where we connected a light sensor so the MP3 player will play different music depending on ambient light. That was the Beginner pack from Adafruit to create your own MP3 player.

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