Breakthrough Technology for Amputees: How Unlimited Tomorrow’s Low-Cost Artificial Limb Is Changing Lives

Unlimited Tomorrow’s revolutionary prosthetic arm is a breakthrough technology that is changing amputees’ lives. Their story begins when Easton Lachapalle began to build robotic hands in his teens for high school science fairs. Today, as CEO and Founder of Unlimited Tomorrow, he’s bringing a life-changing product to market.

Unlimited Tomorrow turned to the Arrow Certification Program for help, including sourcing, schematic review, and even the full design of the electronics. Building a prosthetic arm demands the highest in quality and precision, so Unlimited Tomorrow and Arrow turned to Analog Devices for highly optimized power solutions. Arrow also bridged the gap between R&D and prototypes to full scalable electronics, helping Unlimited Tomorrow build a device for less than 25% the cost of traditional prosthetics.

Learn more about Unlimited Tomorrow’s story – and learn about the resources and benefits of the Arrow Certification Program that you can take advantage of as well.

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