Data connectors for all interfaces: For reliable IIoT communication

The world is becoming increasingly networked – and that means more interfaces on devices. For this, Phoenix Contact provides data connectors from RJ45 to USB, HDMI, and D-SUB, up to coaxial and FO connections as well as for SPE. Excellent services around your device connection supplement the product range.

Your advantages

  • One partner for any need: Always the right connection with an extensive portfolio of plug connectors
    for data transmission
  • We understand your application: Receive the right solution for your device interface with our consulting expertise
  • Design-in support during device development through M-CAD/E-CAD data and a free sample service
  • Connectors with outstanding quality: For decades of reliable device communication


  • Router
  • Robotic
  • Camera
  • Controller
  • Sensors
  • Switch
  • 5G Router

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