Datastorm DAQ Development Platform

The Datastorm DAQ, a development from Analog Devices and Arrow Electronics, is an Intel Cyclone V SOC-based development kit. Used in your lab, it helps accelerate both prototyping and proof-of-concept creation.

The included Cyclone V SoC features over 85k logic elements and a dual-core ARM A9 processor for optimum efficiency and speed. The included FMC connector and 4 PMOD connectors ensure that it’s easy to connect devices such as data converters, sensors, and RF components. Everything needed to get started in the Datastorm ecosystem can be found online at Arrow, including software. tools, demo designs, code, drivers, and more. Additionally, Analog Devices FMC boards can easily be plugged in for quick data transfer and reference design development. Using the Datastorm, get started designing innovative products for use in cutting-edge applications like instrumentation, healthcare, aerospace, industry 4.0, and electric vehicles.



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