Differentiate Your Solution with IoT Remote Monitoring From IBM

IoT Remote Monitoring from IBM provides a cost-effective solution that will help clients monitor, generate automatic alerts and track the location and condition of registered assets in near-real time. The solution is a great fit for quick serve restaurant, medical device manufacturers. warehouses and distribution centers, colleges and universities. The solution addresses the operational challenges of asset management in various environments, from labor costs to preventative maintenance.

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 Use Cases for IoT Monitoring You Can Leverage Today

IBM is the official IoT platform and cloud technology provider of the Arrow Certification Program.  Members of the program can receive guidance on how to best incorporate sensing and alerting into their solution.  Plus, you’ll have access to engineering support, premier design tools, product discounts, funding opportunities from Indiegogo and more.

Join the Arrow Certification Program today for access to these capabilities and even more benefits from Arrow, Indiegogo, and IBM. 



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