The DMN3012LEG MOSFET from Diodes Incorporated

Explore the industry-leading features and benefits of the DMN3012LEG MOSFET, and its the ideal applications, to get the most out of this highly efficient power conversion and control solution from Diodes Incorporated.

The DMN3012LEG MOSFET from Diodes Incorporated is the first in a new generation of discrete MOSFETs, offering industry leading efficiency in a package measuring just 3.3mm x 3.3mm - providing significant cost, power, and space savings in a range of power conversion and control applications. The DMN3012LEG improves system efficiency through fast switching with low input capacitances, light loads, and is optimized for 5V gate drive applications. This MOSFET also features reduced system temperature through low on-resistance, ultra-low package inductance, and an underside pad for improved thermal resistance and power handling. 

The DMN3012LEG MOSFET is idea for single-phase and multiphase point-of-loads (POL), voltage regulator modules, IMVPs, synchronous DC/DC buck converters, power management functions, and high-power or high-switch frequency applications. 

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