Find Solutions to All Your Design Challenges with TE Connectivity

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Entrepreneurs creating smart products and applications for today’s consumers share something in common regardless of the solution: design challenges. See how TE Connectivity and the Arrow Certification Program can help you.

As an entrepreneur, whether you’re struggling with design, wondering how to find the highest quality parts, or simply wanting to keep your application on pace with today’s technological developments, TE Connectivity has everything you need to tackle design challenges and take your application to market with increased confidence.

Although part selection can be an overwhelming aspect of design with so many options available, TE provides the building blocks your device needs along with accompanying resources such as engineering support, custom design capabilities and a global product information team to answer your questions.

TE is your one stop shop for industry-leading sensors, connectors, antennas, and relays – all the components and solutions necessary for today’s consumer applications like virtual reality, wearables and other smart applications.

TE’s sensors and board-to-board connectors meet the latest electronic industry standards and allow designers to downsize IoT applications like smart wearable technology, meeting consumer demand for even smaller and more capable IoT products, while antennas provide your device with reliable Bluetooth, Zigbee, and Wi-Fi connectivity to help you capitalize on the connected device market.

It can be challenging to keep up with new requirements and testing standards, and experts at TE want to take care of the heavy lifting by providing you with industry tested and approved sensing, power and connectivity solutions that keep your application on-pace with a fast-moving market.

TE engineers are working with the world’s most innovative companies on their toughest challenges. See how TE is innovating for your next brilliant idea, creating a safer, sustainable, productive and connected future.

Arrow Certification

Arrow and Indiegogo have teamed up to help entrepreneurs take their product from ideation to production. Whether you’ve just started developing your concept or already have a working prototype, we’ll match you with the resources you need.

Join the Arrow Certification Program today and see how TE and Arrow’s engineering experts can help you take your idea to the next level. Arrow is giving away $1,000,000 in flash funding in 2017, the next project we fund could be yours.


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