HD BNC Connectors

Discover how you can leverage a reliable connection with Amphenol HD-BNC connectors in the most demanding applications.

HD BNC from Amphenol RF, the inventors of BNC technology are bringing higher density connectivity to a higher definition world. HD BNC delivers true 75 ohm performance in a footprint four times smaller than traditional BNC connectors. Pack more power into your panel while maintaining the mechanical performance and positive BNC mating action trusted the world over.

HD BNC is engineered to enhance performance in front of and behind the panel. Mounted on a circuit board optimized with Amphenol's enhanced mounting pattern, the connection between the HD BNC receptacle and PCB dramatically reduces RF loss to deliver the strongest possible signal.

HD BNC uses the same wire stripping and cable termination techniques installers and technicians are accustomed to. This makes adding HD BNC equipment to a rack or work flow no different from adding standard BNC equipment. An HD BNC hand tool makes engaging multiple connections fast and easy. And a wide range of HD BNC adapters ensure compatibility with traditional BNCs and other connector interfaces.

A true BNC connector, HD BNC features the classic push and turn BNC mating action millions of users around the world have grown to rely on. Mating an HD BNC pair provides audible and tactile conformation that the mating pair is engaged. And HD BNCs unique alignment orientation slot makes it easy to spot a disengaged pair at a glance. Like all BNC connectors, HD BNC's strong mechanical connections stays mated despite rough handling and cable pulls.

From the busiest studios to the back of camera trucks and everywhere in between, HD BNC offers the ruggedness and performance today's most sophisticated electronics demand. HD BNC from Amphenol RF. Higher density connectivity for a higher definition world.


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