IoT in Action – The AI Camera by eInfochips™ Webinar

This webinar covers the AI Camera by eInfochips™, a Microsoft Azure IoT starter kit that works with the Azure Machine Learning service to enable you to build, train and deploy AI models to the intelligent edge. This project is a collaboration between Microsoft and Qualcomm and is supported by eInfochips, an Arrow company.

In this video of a Microsoft webinar, we review the AI Camera by eInfochips™, a Microsoft Azure IoT starter kit. This AI Camera is a developer kit for IoT solution makers to easily deploy AI models built using Azure Machine Learning with Azure IoT Edge. The device uses the Qualcomm vision intelligence platform for hardware acceleration of the AI model to deliver superior inferencing performance.

Let’s review the rapid transformation we have seen from cloud to IoT and AI in the recent past. The availability of cloud infrastructure has allowed us access to infinite compute and storage capacity globally to perform workloads that were previously unthinkable. For example, the cloud is enabling IoT. As IoT solutions mature into mainstream offerings, we are hitting another frontier in innovation – edge computing. We need to push decision-making ability to the edge of the network for the intelligence edge.

Learn how the AI Camera by eInfochips can help you enable the intelligent edge.

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