Littelfuse PTC Fuses Add Overcurrent Protection to Your Applications

Littelfuse PTC resettable fuses provide critical protection for your IoT applications, from medical equipment to smart thermostats and more. See how you can build overcurrent protection into your device with reliable Littelfuse PTC fuses.

Throughout the day, we interact with and depend on smart technology, which in many cases has become such an integral part of our lifestyle that we often don’t give it a second thought.

Robotic vacuums charge safely in their docking stations, staying out of the sight and mind of homeowners who appreciate having one less household chore to take care of.

Tablets, laptops, and e-readers simplify the way we work and entertain ourselves and are now some of the most useful equipment we own.

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Smart thermostats in office settings intuitively make adjustments to the temperature, keeping building occupants comfortable while saving energy and controlling cost.

As an innovator and designer thinking up and building out these products, you know just how important it is for technology to operate smoothly and integrate seamlessly into your customers’ preferred lifestyle.

A big part of achieving this seamlessness is something end users often take for granted but designers and engineers can’t afford to overlook: safety.

To keep your applications safe, you need overcurrent circuit protection devices like Littelfuse self-resettable PTC fuses, design-flexible solutions that can be added to all the technology we just mentioned.

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These PTC fuses increase resistance as temperature increases to prevent unsafe levels of current from damaging the device and to minimize the risk of fire.  But instead of being a one shot device like a fuse, they reset once the fault is removed and can be relied on to protect your devices.

Whether someone is actively using your device or it’s running in the background, Littelfuse resettable PTC fuses protect the application and its user, allowing your innovative technology to continue safely enhancing our modernized way of living.


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