LSM6DSOX: Ultra-low power and high accuracy

Learn more about Machine Learning processing capability of the LSM6DSOX.

The LSM6DSOX is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and 3D digital gyroscope. Created for battery-operated IoT, gaming, wearable, and consumer electronics, the LSM6DSOX boosts performance at 0.55 mA in high-performance mode while enabling always-on low-power features for the optimal consumer motion experience.

The LSM6DSOX iNEMO™ sensor contains a machine-learning core to classify motion data based on known patterns. This enables main processor relief from the first stage of activity tracking and saves energy to accelerate motion-based apps such as fitness logging, wellness monitoring, personal navigation, and fall detection.

The sensor has more internal memory than conventional sensors and also features a state-of-the-art high-speed I3C digital interface. This allows for longer periods between interactions with the main controller and shorter connection times for extra energy savings.

The LSM6DSOX supports main OS requirements, offering real, virtual and batch sensors with 9 Kbytes for dynamic data batching. The LSM6DSOX fully supports electronic image stabilization (EIS) and optical image stabilization (OIS) applications as the module includes a dedicated configurable signal processing path for OIS and auxiliary SPI that is designed for both the gyroscope and accelerometer.  The LSM6DSOX is available in a 14-lead plastic land grid array (LGA) package (2.5 x 3 x 0.83 mm).

Technical advantages of the LSM6DSOX include:

•            Power consumption: 0.55 mA in combo high-performance mode

•            16 Finite State Machines

•            Machine Learning Core for up to 8 programmable motion patterns

•            Smart FIFO up to 9 kbyte

To learn more about iNEMO® 6-axis inertial module with Machine Learning core, please download the brochure.

Download our LSM6DSOX brochure



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