Analog Devices' 1.5A multi-topology non-synchronous LED driver

In this video, learn more about the Analog Devices LT3950 -- a 60V, 1.5A LED driver with internal exponential scale dimming.

The LT3950 is a multi-topology DC/DC converter designed specifically to drive high-current LEDs. It contains a 1.5A, 60V DMOS switch and supports an external PWM dimming PMOS. The internal PWM generator uses an exponential dimming scale, preserving resolution across a wide range of LED currents.      

In addition to operating as a constant current source, the LT3950 also provides output voltage regulation. This can be used to prevent damage to the component in case of open LED events. A programmable switching frequency offers flexibility in design for higher efficiency or reduced component size.

With an innovative, user-friendly feature set, the LT3950 is ideal for applications like display backlighting, automotive lighting, avionic lighting, and more

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