Dynamic, Cost-Effective Microchip 8-Bit MCUs from Microchip

Are you finding it difficult to design innovative, feature packed applications without increasing system and development cost? Have you been looking for that MCU solution that offers the right combination of performance, low power and cost effectiveness, and is easy to use? You’re not alone in your search, BUT we’ve got solutions for you with Microchip’s line of 8-bit PIC and AVR microcontrollers.

Let’s look at what sets these microcontrollers apart and discover how you can do more with Microchip 8-bit MCUs.

The first advantage of PIC® and AVR® MCUs and one of the reasons it delivers greater throughput than ever before are its Core Independent Peripherals. These autonomous, code saving peripherals enable common tasks and system functions without CPU intervention, allowing the CPU to be put to sleep OR to handle other tasks and functions. Doing much of the work through the Core Independent Peripherals reduces system latency, code space, and development time.

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These MCUs also incorporate XLP & picoPower® technologies, which makes them ideal for the most power sensitive applications, including portable, battery powered end equipment. Microchip’s 8-bit PIC and AVR MCUs are also designed to robustly operate in harsh environments with 5V support and outstanding EMI/EMC performance across the product line.

Finally, developers will be pleased to find out just how easy it is to design products with 8-bit PIC and AVR microcontrollers from Microchip. Quick turn development tools such as MPLAB Code Configurator and MPLAB Xpress IDE for the 8-bit PIC MCUs, along with START and Studio IDE for the 8-bit AVR MCUs and a host of new and versatile 8-bit development boards allow both new and experienced developers to get their products to market quickly and easily.

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With Microchip 8-bit PIC® and AVR® MCUs, you really can do more, and without a lengthy, costly, or complex development process. Consider leveraging a powerful yet more efficient solution for your next application with these innovative 8-bit microcontrollers, available from Microchip at Arrow.com.


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