MicroPressure Board Mount Sensors | Honeywell Productivity

Watch this video and learn how Honeywell MicroPressure Board Mount Sensors can help make your high volume medical (consumer and non-consumer) devices and commercial appliance designs better, smaller, and more cost-effective.

At just 5 mm x 5 mm, the Honeywell MicroPressure sensor is ideal for applications that require high accuracy and a digital output, along with application-specific calibration, amplification, and compensation. MicroPressure sensors provide true performance over the compensated temperature range, which minimizes the need to test and calibrate every sensor, reducing manufacturing costs, improving sensor accuracy, and offering ease of sensor interchangeability due to minimal part-to-part variation.

Watch this video and learn how Honeywell MicroPressure Board Mount Sensors can help make your high volume medical (consumer and non-consumer) devices and commercial appliance designs better, smaller, and more cost-effective.


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