Molex Product Spotlite Ultra - Fit

Molex Ultra-Fit™ power connectors eliminate same-circuit-size cross mating with several mechanical keying and color-coded options. Learn how these connectors with a 3.50 mm pitch are ideal for automotive, consumer, and medical applications.

The Molex Fit families are expanding; the Ultra-Fit product line is more dense than Mini-Fit junior connectors with a 3.5mm pitch and carry up to 14A of power. These connectors are perfect in many applications such as automotive, consumer, medical, telecommunications and networking, solid state lighting, and industrial.

The fully isolated contacts provide excellent electrical isolation while allowing safe handling with an IP20 touch-proof rating. The Ultra-Fit housings offer multiple keyed polarization and color-coded options making assembly easy and intuitive.

The fully isolated design also features an overhang that further protects the crimp terminal during handling and mating. Ultra-Fit terminals feature six independent points of contact for redundant, long-term performance and reliability.

The Ultra-Fit system also offers an optional TPA. Terminal position assurance ensures terminals are fully seated during assembly and adds an additional retention feature to the terminal. When ordering TPAs, we suggest using a contrasting color to the receptacle. Using a white receptacle? Use a black TPA for easier inspection. 

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