Maker Faire Reveal: PocketBeagle - BeagleBoard's Newest and Smallest Computer

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PocketBeagle is BeagleBoard’s smallest Linux-ready computer. It allows users to add their own desired peripherals in order to maximize versatility and minimize footprint. We met with Jason Kridner, co-founder and board member of the Foundation, to dive a little deeper into this newest single-board computer, discuss the PocketBeagle specs, and see what it can do.

PocketBeagle Technical Specifications

  • Texas Instruments® Sitara™ AM3358 Processor Integrated in the OSD3358-SM
  • 512MB DDR3 800MHZ RAM (Integrated in the OSD3358-SM)
  • Debian GNU/Linux images customized for BeagleBone
  • Cloud9 IDE on Node.js w/ BoneScript library
  • High speed USB 2.0 OTG (host/client) micro-B connector (USB0)
  • Bootable microSD card slot (MMC00
  • TPS65217C PMIC is used along with a separate LDO to provide power to the system
  • 55x35x5mm dimension
  • 8 analog inputs with 6 at 1.8V and 2 at 3.3V along with 1.8V voltage references
  • 44 digital GPIOs accessible with 18 enabled by default including 2 shared with the 3.3V analog input pins
  • 23 programmable real-time unit (PRU) 32-bit microcontroller I/O pins
  • 2 voltage outputs, 1 with a 3.3V LDO and 1 with switch from voltage input

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