Getting started with the PSoC® 64 Standard Secure AWS IoT Pioneer Kit presented by Infineon & Arrow Electronics

The PSoC 64 Standard Secure – AWS Microcontroller enables you to lower your risk, minimize your time to market, and dramatically decrease R&D costs in developing secure IoT devices. This video shows you how to get started quickly and easily with the PSoC 64 Standard Secure AWS IoT Pioneer Kit.

The PSoC 64 Standard Secure AWS IoT Pioneer Kit features the Infineon PSoC 64 Standard Secure – AWS MCU along with a Murata Type 1DX fully certified module hosting the Infineon CYW4343W providing 802.11n + Dual-Mode Bluetooth 5.1 wireless connectivity. This Dev Kit is also Arduino compatible, has on-board CapSense® capacitive-sensing buttons/sliders and is FreeRTOS qualified so works seamlessly with AWS IoT Core out of the box.

This video showcases everything included in the kit box, as well as a high-level overview of the AWS getting started guide for this kit clearly taking you through key steps on getting up and running in AWS IoT Core with PSoC 64 and how to build a simple demo.

Learn More about Cypress PSoC® 64 Secure Microcontrollers


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