Samsung ARTIK™ Modules: The Ultimate Building Blocks for the IoT

As an innovator with big plans for the Internet of Things, you need tools that can help you tackle tricky design challenges and keep up-to-date with one of the fastest moving markets today. Fortunately, you don’t have to look too far. Introducing your ideal solution: Samsung ARTIK™ pre-certified IoT modules.

ARTIK™ modules have different levels of power and capabilities, so it doesn’t matter if you’re building a compact smart home appliance or creating a display-based kiosk – there’s an ARTIK module for you.

The ARTIK 0 family of modules are compact and low power, making them ideal for single-function smart applications like door locks, lights, and sensors. The ARTIK 5 family offers a great balance of power and performance for gateways or devices with modest video and processing requirements. ARTIK 7 modules offer great performance for high-end gateways that require lots of local processing and analytics to reduce the quantities of data being transmitted over the network.

ARTIK modules feature pre-certified RF hardware to help you accelerate your time-to-market, and offer multiple connectivity options, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth®, Thread, and ZigBee®.

ARTIK 5 and 7 modules are ready to integrate with the Samsung ARTIK™ Cloud Platform, providing everything you need to prototype and build intelligent applications in one place.

Worry less about the complicated logistics of IoT and more about improving your design and accelerating your time to market.

You don’t have to worry about security either – when you’re building with Samsung ARTIK™, you can confidently protect assets and valuable data thanks to end-to-end security and protection that starts at the hardware level for most modules.

Get your IoT application to market faster using Samsung ARTIK modules, the ultimate building blocks for the Internet of Things.

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