The We Care Solar Suitcase: Built to save the lives of mothers and babies around the world

Did you know? 300,000 women die in childbirth every year. Learn how We Care Solar and Arrow Electronics worked together to help solve this problem by bringing reliable power to remote clinics throughout the world.

Rubaya, Uganda

"As you've seen our ward is now full, but it was empty completely, because they knew if you don't have a candle, you cannot come to Rubaya."

The solar suitcase is a small off-grid solar power system which can be deployed and installed very quickly in a health clinic. Most of the installations provide the only light power that that health clinic has.

When working with Arrow, they have introduced us to those with the expertise in all these different areas. It is a gigantic game changer for our organizational cause.

Click here to learn more about Solar Suitcase


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