Introducing Arrow SpeedChips XRS7000 Device Family

Arrow Electronics, in partnership with Flexibilis, is excited to announce the first release of the Arrow SpeedChips product line: the XRS7000 device family.

The XRS7000 device family consists of 3- and 4-port gigabit ethernet switches that offer support for both HSR and PRP redundancy protocols.

These redundant protocols are used in utility substations and smart grids, industrial automation and motion control, transportation networks, and military applications--any system that requires short reaction time and high availability.

The XRS7000 reference boards are available now, and are well equipped to fully test HSR and PRP redundancy, including PTP transparent clock functionality.

Arrow SpeedChips has simplified the implementation of redundant ethernet protocols by offering a single chip solution to reduce BOM costs and speed up time to market. 

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