STMicroelectronics' AutoDevKit: A New Development Approach and Toolset for Automotive Applications

The STSW-AUTODEVKIT AutoDevKit library, from STMicroelectronics, contains software components for functional boards.

Each component has a specific API to control the specific functional board. The API consists of a set with two types of "methods": one type very high level and easy-to-use even to hardware inexpert users; the other type able to access very low-level board/chip advanced functionalities and features.

Key Features:

- Contains cross-platform compatible software components
- Each software component has:
- An MCU independent API
- A GUI for visual configuration
- A demo sample
- Software documentation
- The software component automatically proposes a configuration and an allocation for the MCU required peripherals
- Through the provided GUI, you can customize the allocation using other available MCU peripherals
- The software automatically prompts for conflicts and/or inconsistencies during allocation
- The allocated pins can be browsed in SPC5-STUDIO PinMap editor
- Compatible with SPC5-STUDIO starting from version 1.8.1
- Compatible with a wide range of SPC5 automotive-grade microcontrollers

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