How to setup a mesh network with the Particle Boron IoT Development Kit

Watch this video to learn how to claim a new Particle Boron and create a new mesh network from the Particle Mobile app.

Setting up a mesh network with a cellular gateway in as little as under four minutes is possible! Particle Mesh, recently released for prototyping use cases, is a robust and resilient mesh network built on OpenThread (the open source protocol released by Nest / Google). Particle Mesh is enabled on the newest generation of Particle IoT development kits and the most accessible way to bring physical devices online. In this video, you’ll learn how to claim a new Particle Boron and create a new mesh network from the Particle Mobile app.

Connect anything, anywhere. Particle provides everything you need to build reliable IoT products with LTE, 2G, or 3G connectivity.

The Boron LTE is a powerful LTE CAT-M1/NB1 enabled development board that can act as either a standalone cellular endpoint or LTE enabled gateway for Particle Mesh networks. It is based on the Nordic nRF52840 and has built-in battery charging circuitry so it’s easy to connect a Li-Po and deploy your local network in minutes. The Boron is great for connecting existing projects to the Particle Device Cloud or as a gateway to connect an entire group of local endpoints where Wi-Fi is missing or unreliable.

All Particle hardware is designed from the ground up to work with the Device Cloud, providing a powerful set of tools and infrastructure to build, connect, and manage your IoT fleet. The Device Cloud for Particle Mesh is priced by network. All Particle customers get three free months of Device Cloud access for micro networks using a cellular gateway. A micro network is defined as a network with 10 total devices and a single gateway.

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