Verizon ThingSpace

The connected world is big. Really big. Whether you’re an enterprise, a developer, an entrepreneur or just a hobbyist, you can cut through the complexity of the Internet of Things with Verizon ThingSpace.

ThingSpace is a simple, all-in-one development platform that will help you prototype, test and get to market – faster. With ThingSpace Develop, build IoT solutions quickly, with easy access to APIs, application platforms and developer kits.  And collaborate with a community of IoT experts. With ThingSpace Manage, provision, monitor and control your IoT devices and connectivity through a single portal. And with ThingSpace Market, get access to Verizon IoT and strategic vendor solutions. ThingSpace lets you start small and scale fast. Sign up is free, and you don’t have to be a Verizon customer. 

Dream, develop, and deploy.  Simply.  With Verizon ThingSpace

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