SensorXplorer™ Evaluation Kits for the Light to Digital Portfolio

Will one of Vishay's sensors work in your application? Find out using Vishay’s sensor evaluation boards. Each sensor board can be used together with the SensorXplorer board. The SensorXplorer boards act as a USB to I2C interface between Vishay's freely available software modules and the sensor boards. The sensor boards also have test pins for the I2C interface, allowing you to connect them to your own platform.

The SensorXplorer is a demonstration kit designed to help evaluate Vishay’s digital sensors featured on Vishay’s sensor boards. These boards, along with their respective software modules, can be used to demonstrate and test each sensor’s functionalities, allowing the user to quickly understand how various settings affect the sensor’s results. The SensorXplorer board includes a USB to I2C interface chip, a 3.3 V regulator, several indication LEDs, as well as multiple GPIOs to control the functionality of each board and allow data to be read and displayed on a PC.



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