Wolfspeed CRD-3DD065P Buck-Boost Evaluation Kit

The CRD-3DD065P Buck-Boost Evaluation Kit from Wolfspeed is a newly released solution for the evaluation and optimization of the latest 650V Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs and Schottky diodes.

The CRD-3DD065P fills an important need by allowing for the efficient evaluation of new SiC-based components.

Key features and highlights:

  •  Evaluates both steady-state and high-speed dynamic switching performance of 650V SiC MOSFETs and Schottky diodes
  •  Analyzes the evaluation board in versatile power conversion modes
  •  Contains footprints for 3 and 4 lead TO-247 packages of C3M™ SiC MOSFETs
  •  Works with TO-247 and TO-220 packages of SiC Schottky diodes
  •  2 dedicated gate drivers for each C3M™ SiC MOSFET

Watch this video to gain more insight into the technical details and capabilities of the CRD-3DD065P, and find out how it can be a valuable addition to your design process.

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