World of Sensors: Drones Fly Farther with Infineon

Infineon brings ready-to-use multicopter (drone) solutions to high-potential, emerging markets. We offer a complete system solution that includes every essential semiconductor, from power electronics and controllers to securities, authentication, and sensors.

For multicopters, flying is the most critical application in terms of performance, efficiency, and control. At Infineon, we cover all relevant aspects and address your precise needs, allowing you to design a highly-efficient multicopter capable of what counts most for consumers: long airtime, stability, and security. Here, control is the locus of the system, and our cutting-edge technologies and portfolio allow you to achieve a higher degree of innovation and differentiation. Additionally, our state-of-the-art security solutions can help establish brand identity and ensure brand protection.



0517 Infineon IoT Security_ Sean Rae bio headshot

Sean Rae - Sean Rae is Sr. Account Manager professional at Infineon Technologies with 20+ years in Semiconductor Sales & Marketing.  Previously, Sean worked in position abroad in Operations and International Product Marketing for New & Emerging markets .  He graduated from Arizona State University  with a BS in Management in addition to an MBA.

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Zoobair Roohani - Zoobair Roohani is a Field Power electronics engineer with 14 years of field experience in DCDC and ACDC switching power supplies, Class D Audio amplifier design, and Motor Drives.  In depth understanding of static and dynamic characteristics of Semiconductor switches MOSFET and IGBT and corresponding drive requirements.  In depth knowledge of the upcoming wide bandgap semiconductor device particularly GaN.  BSEE from Purdue University and MSEE with emphasis on control and power electronics from University Wisconsin, Madison.

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Karthi Gopalan - Karthi Gopalan joined Infineon Technologies in 2013, as part of the Digital Demand Generation team. She holds a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. Prior to Infineon, she held various positions in mixed signal design, strategic marketing, to new business incubation and development. She has a passion for technology initiatives for global social impact.

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