Designing your System Power Solution using LTpowerCAD

Designing and optimizing switching mode power supplies is becoming a more frequent and challenging task, especially for in-experienced supply designers. The conventional “paper-design” method is not only time consuming, but also difficult without optimum results.

LTpowerCAD® design tool provides an easy and simple way to allow people designing a power supply in a few simple steps. It provides recommendations for component values and performance estimates specific to the user’s application with power products from Analog Devices. 

LTpowerCAD® also includes LTpowerPlanner®, a power architecture design tool for system-level power design and optimization. Furthermore, the LTpowerCAD design can be exported to a LTspice simulation circuit to check supply waveforms and transient performances. With LTpowerCAD® design tool, a power supply schematic can be easily designed in as short as a few minutes!



Attendees will learn about:

  • How to use LTpowerPlanner to quickly develop a system level block diagram.
  • How to use LTpowerCAD to identify components for each socket in the block diagram. 
  • Optimize the various electrical design parameters, select the appropriate discrete components
  • Optimize power efficiency 
  • Adjust loop compensation and load transient response
  • Calculate optional filters for voltage ripple reduction and EMI 
  • Generate a summary report
  • Use LTSpice to check even more characteristics 


Language: French 


Emeric Hammer
Senior Field Application Engineer – Analog Devices

Hubert Cadusseau
Field Application Leader – Analog Devices

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